my name is muhammad mahabubur rhaman and nickname is rony.

try to write some poetry using programming language. i ruby. have been working on some ruby on rails projects since 2012. have some experiences to work in JS. to eat, try to take picture of unsung objects. to watch overthinking drama film.


  1. Bookyt (Contributor) Keywords: ruby, ruby-on-rails, authentication, cas. Have tiny contribution as @mur-wtag

  2. React-analog-clock (Contributor) Keywords: reactjs, javascript. Have tiny contribution as @mur-wtag

  3. Grape-swagger (Contributor) Keywords: ruby. Have tiny contribution as @mur-wtag. Could find my contribution details here

  4. REST-in-Peace (Contributor) — Keywords: ruby. Have tiny contribution as @mur-wtag

also you can reach me on +880 1717 690796